Thanks for stopping by!

I look for interesting details of the wedding market and report on them here. I have traveled the country this year speaking with many photographers about everything from workflow to marketing... Everyone I met was willing to participate in a meaningful way to the discussion of market trends. That showed me that you are all very passionate about the business of wedding photography! I will continue to report on trends here as I see them come up in the industry. Please bookmark my blog, pass it around to friends and of course comment on what you find here! Thanks for visiting my blog, I appreciate your time! Putting together a new blog over at so will be slowly transitioning to that!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Webbed Bliss:Brides and Grooms Tell All Online

Lately Em and I have been doing some consulting...more on that later, but one of the photographers Sam at I Do Click has posted a cool article on her blog. This is a trend in the industry of B&G's having their own website for their wedding. A place to encapsulate the details of their wedding for friends and guests.

Check out the article on The Wall Street Journal Online.

1 comment:

emilie said...

Sam's fabulous. Lately, she's been updating her blog frequently with lots of great articles, polls and tidbits to keep her clients coming back. Well done, Sam!