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I look for interesting details of the wedding market and report on them here. I have traveled the country this year speaking with many photographers about everything from workflow to marketing... Everyone I met was willing to participate in a meaningful way to the discussion of market trends. That showed me that you are all very passionate about the business of wedding photography! I will continue to report on trends here as I see them come up in the industry. Please bookmark my blog, pass it around to friends and of course comment on what you find here! Thanks for visiting my blog, I appreciate your time! Putting together a new blog over at so will be slowly transitioning to that!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Malalai Joya Speaks in Los Angeles

Malalai Joya, a 27-year-old woman, who has emerged as a fearless critic of the warlords that control her country of Afghanistan.

"I hope by being a member of parliament I will be able to serve my people," said Malalai Joya, a 27-year-old woman who holds one of the five seats in Farah in the far west of the country. "I will do my best to stop the warlords and criminals from building any laws that will jeopardize the rights of Afghan people, especially the women." The Globe and Mail, Dec.20, 2005

For more information on this inspiring and courageous woman:

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